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a hepatologie

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Gastroent Hepatol 2011; 65(1): 30-32.

Úspěšné použití klipu OTSCR (Over-The-Scope Clip) při léčbě iatrogenní perforace tračníku

Magdalena Stefanová  1, Jan Martínek  2,3, Filip Závada  4, Štěpán Suchánek  5, Daniel Langer  6, Ivo Buřič  , Miroslav Ryska7, Miroslav Zavoral  5

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Bowel perforation during diagnostic colonoscopy occurs at a frequency of 0.09%. The risk of perforation is higher in elderly women after surgery or in those with diverticular disease. Our case report describes the first successful use of OTSC® (Over-The-Scope-Clip) in the Czech Republic in the treatment of iatrogenic perforation of the sigmoid colon occurring during diagnostic colonoscopy.



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